Privacy policy

Contacting us

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, wish to exercise your information rights in connection with the personal data you have shared with us or wish to complain, please contact us at:

My Consumer Choices Ltd
The Compliance Manager
27 Old Gloucester Street
United Kingdom

By email to:
[email protected]

By telephone on:
0800 949 6904

Or visit:


Who are we?

We are a marketing organisation called My Consumer Choices Ltd, a company registered in the UK. Our Companies House Registration Number is 13352485. We are also registered with the Information Commissioners Office under number ZB053628.

We conduct telephone and online surveys and competitions and generate marketing data for direct marketing purposes. We do this on behalf of leading UK brands and companies helping them to share information about their products, services, and promotions with the benefit of UK consumers in mind. You can manage your preferences/opt-out from your data collected from our marketing calls or collected online from

To do this or to request we disclose what further information we may hold about you, you can contact us by phone on 0800 949 6904 where you can speak to The Compliance Department or email: [email protected] with your questions.

What do we use your data for?

All of the data we collect from you is for direct marketing purposes. This means we share your details with reputable companies who may want to contact you by telephone and post to offer you goods and services that may be of benefit to you now or in the future.

All data processed, including any personal information we have about you will be done so in line with the GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and PECR. We fully comply with all regulatory requirements and treat the security of your data as a priority.

Our brand, Consumer Choices, may also contact you by telephone or email to ask you questions for direct marketing purposes. These questions will be on behalf of companies who we will name at the time of the communication and who will only contact you if you provide ‘consent’ for them to do so. Again, you can ask Consumer Choices to stop contacting you now or at any time in the future. See above for our ‘who we are’ section to action this.

Where we process your information?

We may process your information outside the UK or European Union. Where this is the case, we will not transfer your information to other countries outside the EEA unless it is unavoidable to allow us to deliver our products and services. If we do, we take care to ensure the same level of privacy and security as the UK.

Data & Information Security

Once we have received your personal data, we will use recognized industry standard procedures and security features to try to prevent any unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure and breach towards confidentiality, integrity and availability. Your personal data will be under the control and use of My Consumer Choices. It will be held on our computer systems and servers. When we print your personal data, this will be in the possession and control of our employees at all times and will be securely disposed of when it is considered to be of no further use.

Consent and Legitimate Interests

Your data must be processed by us using one of the valid legal bases defined by the Regulations. The two we use are;


In short, this is where you consent to a specific organisation, to contact you by a communication channel or channels which you have agreed to, for specific reasons, which in the context of our processing will be for marketing purposes. When we ask for your consent for a specific organisation, we will do so by allowing you to tick a box online or answer a question on the phone.

You can, of course, withdraw your consent at any time or request a change to your marketing preferences as per the instructions already outlined within this privacy policy.

Legitimate Interest

Data may be processed in pursuance of legitimate interests. This includes using your data for postal and telephone marketing for ourselves or others but in either case, communications will be in relation to products or services which we believe may be of interest to you based upon information which you have provided us. An example of this could be where you request a call from a named energy provider about saving money on your energy bills. We may share your details under legitimate interest with other energy providers to give you a wider choice of companies to choose from. In this instance, we will have conducted an LIA (Legitimate Interest Assessment) as required by law.

It also includes processing your data for ID protection and tracing purposes such as Credit Reference and Fraud Prevention. This is in relation to appropriate agencies which we have listed in the privacy policy which could help protect your identity and prevent fraud. As with all of your data you can also object to us processing your data in this way.

What types of personal data do we collect and share?

The information we collect includes your name and contact information that you volunteer such as your telephone number, email address, mobile number and postal address. We may also ask you for your date of birth and during the course of our surveys by telephone or online, details about your preferences likes and dislikes. We will never collect information about your bank account or credit card details and nor will we collect sensitive information such as your medical history, religious or political beliefs.

Who may we share your data with?

Groups of recipients within specific industry sectors listed below; Automotive, Charity, Gaming, Leisure, Financial Products, Insurance, Health/Mobility, Home Improvements, Wills, Funeral Plans, Warranty, Mail Order, Market Research, Media, Retail, Telecoms, Car Finance Claims,  Housing Disrepair Claims, Travel and Utilities. From time to time we also supply data to these sectors via agencies/brokers; we ensure that these agencies/brokers are reputable firms and adhere to all regulatory requirements and where we have conducted a full due diligence check on those companies.

Marketing Service Providers are companies who collect data from Data Controllers, such as ourselves and help their clients tailor products and services which best suit your needs. They may also use your data for fraud prevention. The Marketing Services Providers we work with are strictly limited to only those organisations who we have completed checks on and who will process your data in strict compliance with all laws, regulations and guidance with regard to Data Protection. We will share your data under strict licence terms with the Marketing Services Providers listed above, who like us, will use it to create products and services to help organisations better understand the likely characteristics of their customers; communicate with them more effectively; and find others like them across a range of marketing channels. This may mean that you receive advertising from organisations within the industry sectors listed above, that is more relevant to you via direct mail or when you visit a website, mobile app or watch TV. The Marketing Services Providers will not, however, advertise their own products or services to you.

Credit Reference and Other Agencies We collect your data and will share it with third parties. These organisations will contact you where they have a lawful reason, which may include these organisations own legitimate interest. Use includes tracing of individuals, verification and/or validation of the identity of individuals for the purposes of, but not limited to, anti-money laundering regulations, national security, crime prevention and detection, anti-fraud processes, asset recovery and asset reunification. You have the right to object to this processing at any time by contacting us at [email protected].

What is Profiling?

We use some of the information you provide to identify lookalikes so our clients can target you with offers of goods and services tailored to you. We will never profile you on the basis of ethnicity, religion, politics or health as these are not valid reasons for which you should be targeted for marketing purposes and nor do we collect this information. We also do not make automated decisions about you which may have a negative impact on your rights. Marketing Services Providers we share your data with may also use profiling to target you for marketing purposes. Once again you can ask us to stop using your data in this way at any time.

Right to withdraw consent at any time where relevant – You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your information at any time and we must provide you with the information to need to do so, at the time we collect your data and each time we contact you.

How to withdraw your consent

You can withdraw consent in the following ways;

To withdraw your consent please write to:
My Consumer Choices Ltd
The Compliance Manager
27 Old Gloucester Street
United Kingdom

By email: [email protected]
By telephone on: 0800 949 6904
Or visit:

How long will we keep your data for?

We will only keep your personal details for as long as is necessary or as long as you want. The law does not put a time limit on the amount of time we should hold your personal details for but as long as you are happy to hear from us we will continue to contact you. As we explain in the section marked what are my rights? You can withdraw your consent to us at any time.

What are your rights?

You have a number of rights under the law which include;
A. Right to be informed
B. Right of access
C. Right to rectification
D. Right to erasure
E. Right to restriction of processing
F.  Right to data portability
G. Right to object
H. Rights related to automated individual decision-making, including profiling
I.   Right to withdraw consent at any time where relevant


A. Right to be informed – When we collect your data we have to tell you what we are going to do with it primarily through this Privacy Policy and consent statement.
B. Right of access – You have the right to contact us in writing to request details of the information we hold about you.
C. Right of rectification – You have the right to ask us to rectify information that we hold about you if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
D. Right to erasure – This is also known as the right to be forgotten and gives you the right to request your information be removed if there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. A word of warning though we keep a list of people who have asked not to be contacted which we use to ensure that you receive no further marketing from our group or clients as a result of our activity. Without this list, your data could enter our system again from another source and we would have no record of the fact that you asked us not to contact you.
E. Right to restrict processing – this is the alternative to erasure and gives you the right to tell us to stop processing your data but allowing us to keep enough information about you to ensure that your wishes are respected in the future.
F. Right to data portability – this gives you the right to ask a holder of your information to transfer that information to another business. This right would most commonly be used if you were switching banks, insurance companies, utility companies and mobile phone providers.
G. Right to object – you have the right to object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes and profiling for marketing purposes. You also have the right to ask us to cease processing based on our legitimate interests, where there is no overriding justification for the processing of your data. Your rights and freedoms override our interests.
H. Rights related to automated decision making including profiling – we do not use automated decision-making processes which would have a potentially damaging effect on you. But if we did you have the right to obtain human intervention, express your point of view, obtain an explanation of the decision and challenge it.
I. Right to withdraw consent at any time where relevant – You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your information at any time and we must provide you with the information to need to do so, at the time we collect your data and each time we contact you.

You have the right to complain to the Supervisory Authority which the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can contact them by visiting their website at, or by telephoning 0303 123 1113, or by post at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Do we collect data from other sources?

Occasionally we collect personal information from third parties but when we do we check that they have your consent to share your information with us.

When do you have to share my data?

On rare occasions, we may be asked to share your information for the prevention of fraud or with regulatory bodies who are investigating a complaint made by a consumer.

Our policy on children

Our websites, products and services are not intended for use by children under the age of 16.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for legal reasons.

Please check this page periodically for updates. Effective Date: 2nd April, 2024

By using our services or visiting our website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy.